
Are You Doing Surya Namaskar/Sun Salutation the Right Way?

If you discover very little time to spare for a daily workout regime but want to remain fit, there’s nothing better than Surya Namaskar.

Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a set of 12 powerful yoga asanas (postures) which gives an intense cardiovascular workout. It is also an excellent way to stay fit, and retain the peace of your mind and soul.

Let’s see the right way of doing the Surya Namaskar:

1. Pranamasana:

Also referred to as prayer pose, Pranamasana is the very beginning point of your Surya Namaskar. Stand upright on your mat together with your both feet closely aligned. Inhale long deep breaths, expanding your chest and relaxing your shoulders. While you inhale, raise your arms from the edges. And as you exhale, join your palms together as if praying your deity. This is often the Pratham Namaskar or first salutation towards the sun.

surya namaskar yoga step 1
Picture: Art of Living

2. Hastauttanasana:

Keeping the palms joined within the previous prayer position, inhale and lift your arms up and bend backwards slightly. Your biceps should lie on the brink of your ears. This posture is to relax your body by stretching the whole body backwards, standing at your tiptoes.

surya namaskar steps
Picture: Art of Living

3. Hasta Padasana:

Now exhale, and bend forward from the waist. Go down and touch you’re the bottom but keeping your spine erect. Do that as your exhale slowly without any haste.

how to do surya namaskar
Picture: Art of Living

4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana:

Now inhale, and stretch your body parallel to the bottom. Keep your hands to the side, and convey your right knee towards the proper a part of the chest and let your left leg stretch behind. Look up.

sun salutation steps
Picture: Art of Living

5. Dandasana:

Now as your inhale, fling your right leg backwards aligning your entire body parallel to the bottom.

12 poses of surya namaskar
Picture: Art of Living

6. Ashtanga Namaskara:

This is also referred to as giving salutations using eight parts or points. After staying in Dandasana, gently bring down your knees towards the ground and exhale. Now bring your chin to rest on the ground, keep your hops elevated within the air. Hence, your eight parts which are two hands, two knees, chin and chest will rest on the ground while your hip stays elevated within the air.

surya namaskar poses
Picture: Art of Living

7. Bhujangasana:

This is also referred to as Cobra pose. this is often simply aligning your chest and torso 90 degrees to the bottom, keeping your legs and mid-section flat on the bottom. confirm you employ your hands to support your body and aren’t tempted to transfer your entire weight onto them.

how to do sun salutation
Picture: Art of Living

8. Parvatasana:

Again, return to the Parvatasana from Bhujangasana. Keep your palm and feet where they are, and slowly raise the mid-section of your body. Exhale as you enter Parvatasana.

sun salutation yoga pose
Picture: Art of Living

9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana:

Now from Parvatasana, return to the Ashwa sanchalanasana. But this point , we do the other of what we did within the 4th step. This procedure is very simple – Bring your right foot forward, while resting your left foot behind, at its original position.

sun salutation steps
Picture: Art of Living

10. Hasta Padasana:

Make a slow move by bringing your left foot forward, next to the right foot while you exhale. Keeping the position of your hands intact, lift yourself up to slowly without any haste and enter Hasta Padasana.

Sun Salutation yoga
Picture: Art of Living

11. Hastauttanasana:

Now inhale, raise your hands upward, and bend backwards to enter Ardha Chakra Asana.

Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar Yoga

12. Pranamasana:

Finally, exhale and substitute a relaxed manner within the Namaskara mudra. Feel the positive vibrations in your body. This is the way how you complete one round of Surya Namaskar.

surya namaskar yoga step 1
Picture: Art of Living

Twelve repetitions of this holistic exercise called the Surya Namaskar or the Sun Salutation yield maximum benefit to an individual.

Do watch the below video to get a better insight on Surya Namaskar:

Surya Namaskar – Step by Step for beginners

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Written by Infeagle

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